Siddhas are liberated souls. They have reached the highest state, salvation, and have attained Moksha.

They have eradicated all their karmas, and therefore do not accumulate any more new karmas, thus freeing themselves forever from the cycle of birth and death (Akshaya Sthiti). This state of freedom is called Moksha. They are experiencing ultimate, unobstructed bliss (Aksha Sukh) and are not subjected to any kind of suffering.

They possess perfect and total knowledge (Anatjnan, Kevaljnana, omniscience) and perception (Anat Darshan, Kevaldarshana, omniperception), that means they know and perceive everything in total that is happening now, that has happened in the past, and that which will happen in the future all at the same time and they also possess infinite vigor (Anant-Virya).

They have no desires and are completely detached thus making them immune from any sense of craving or aversion (Anant Charitra, Vitragatva). Despite the fact that all Siddhas retain a unique identity, they are equal (Aguru-laghutva) and formless(Arupitva).

Eight Attributes of Siddhas:

Anant Jnän = Infinite knowledge
Anant Darshan = Infinite perception
Avyäbädha Sukha = Eternal happiness
Anant Chäritra = Perfect conduct
Akshaya Sthiti = Immortality
Arupitva = Formlessness
Aguru Laghutva = No Status (Neither heavy or light)
Anant Virya = Infinite energy

Siddha is that soul which has achieved complete fulfilment of all its desires; also remembering it and thinking and meditating about this supreme soul fulfils all desires.

The Arihanta, who has already destroyed the four ghatl (vitiating) karmas, when destroys the remaining four aghati (non-vitiating or resultant) karmas namely:

1. Vedaniya (emotion evoking),
2. Nama (form determining),
3. Gotra (status determining), and
4. Ayusya (age determining), becomes a Siddha.

Illustration : Concentrate on the illustration and observe : The soul attains the Siddha state that is free of all karmas by burning and reducing to ash all the eight karmas, shown as pieces of wood, in the fire of penance, meditation etc. As a lotus flower blooms when sunlight falls on it, eight natural attributes of the soul spontaneously appear with the destruction of eight karmas.

The eight natural attributes or the inherent powers are shown as petals of a blooming lotus. These are :

1. Infinite knowledge,
2. Limitless perception,
3. Un-ending happiness,
4. Flawless conduct,
5. Supreme power,
6. Formlessness (a form without name, dimension and shape),
7. Masslessness (equanimity), and
8. Indestructible constitution.

After liberation the Siddha soul exists at the crescent shaped Siddha loka (abode) situated at the edge of the universe.
In this Siddha loka (abode) innumerable souls exist in aural form. As a flame fuses into another, innumerable souls in there eternal aural form fuse and occupy the same space but still maintain their individual existence.
While concentrating on the Siddha if one meditates about its complete healthy, blissful, all-endowing and eternally happy form, the same attributes start appearing within one’s own soul.

The visualization of this line Namo Siddhdanam is done in red colour.

Siddhas are liberated souls. They have reached the highest state, salvation, and have attained Moksha.

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